Pol.LT.Col. Chayakorn Mamungpanitharn
Police Lieutenant Colonel Chayakorn Mamungpanitarn is a former law enforcement officer of the Thai Royal Police. After years of leading the operational team working to protect children, women, and families as well as anti-human trafficking. He is eager to utilize his knowledge and experience to help victims of human trafficking, providing education, and job opportunities, and eradicate human trafficking issues in Thailand.
Mr. Jaruwat Jinmonca
Vice President
Jaruwat Jinmonca was volunteering as the investigator in many human trafficking cases with the Thai law enforcement as well as many non-governmental organizations. Now, he is committed to helping the victims of human trafficking to his fullest potential through IMF. His goal is to minimize and eliminate the human trafficking issue in Thailand.

Ms. Alisa Nottoo
Ms. Phichaya Phromchitmart
Managing Directors of Development and Communications
Ms. Ganganit Jaisunsum
Social Worker

Ms. Pinya Prasertso
Social Worker
Mr. Tetsuya Sato
Ms. Kamolsiri Damrongmanee
Operations Assistant

Investigator Supervisor

Our investigators are responsible for investigations, intelligence and evidence gathering. They work alongside lawyers and law enforcement officers to rescue victims and identify perpetrators.
In addition to investigation services we support law enforcement with digital forensics. This includes the extraction and analysis of digital evidence in a professional manner, ensuring investigative integrity.
Our lawyers support law enforcement by providing legal advice on various aspects of the law including but not limited to evidence gathering, victim’s statement and best practices to ensure an offender prosecutors will have the best evidence necessary to hold offender accountable in a court of law. Our lawyers also act as co-plaintiffs, seeking compensation for the victims and holding the offenders accountable.

Social Workers
Our social workers are responsible for providing support to victims throughout our casework. This begins with identifying a victim all the wall through to rehabilitation. Our social workers work with law enforcement to conduct victim assessment/screening and also provide advice when required. They ensure that the victims are placed in a safe place after they are removed from harm, they ensure they have access to education and vocational training and monitor their well-being throughout.